15th IEA World Congress
Publicado em Ago, 21, 2008

Call for papers

IEA 15th World Congress
Istanbul, Turkey

Guillermo Calvo
President, 2005 - 2008

The next Congress of the International Economic Association will be held in Istanbul on June 25-29, 2008, thanks to the efforts of the Turkish Economic Association and its President, Ercan Uygur.  The central topic will be The Challenge of Globalization.  Below are a few examples of topics that would fit in that category.  The list is just illustrative and does not preclude other topics that directly or indirectly help to cast light on the challenges faced by globalized economies.  In particular, we welcome submissions dealing with innovative microeconomic methods which help to understand and address some of these challenges, like, for instance, randomized experiments to evaluate the impact of social policies.

International Finance
-  Recent crises in Emerging Markets
-  The Financial Sector, Volatility and Crisis Prevention
-  New Financial Architecture and Role of International Financial Institutions (e.g. the IMF and the Multilateral Development Banks) and the WTO

Macroeconomic Policy
-  Monetary and Fiscal Policy under Trade and Financial Integration
-  Monetary Unions: Learning from the Euro
-  Management of Commodity Booms. Dutch Disease, Commodity Stabilisation Funds
-  Debt Policy: Maturity and Currency Denomination. Any Role for de-dollarisation? Trade and Growth
-  Regional Integration Issues: Lessons from E.U., NAFTA etc…
-  Trade in Services: Challenges
-  The Role of China and India

Migration Issues
-  Brain Drain
-  Remittances
-  Welfare and Political Issues in “Receiving” Countries: the Challenges of Massive Labour Immigration

Political Economy Considerations
-  Global Governance and Global Democracy
-  Impact of Globalisation on Domestic Conflicts and Political Instability
-  Impact of Globalisation on Poverty and Income Distribution

The Role of the State and Institution in a Globalised Environment
-  International Policy Coordination
-  Global Warming
-  International Labour Standards and Coordination
-  Global Pension Funds
-  Regional Public Goods
-  Social Insurance: Pension Funds, Health Insurance

Global Imbalances
-  Savings Allocations Implications
-  Risks of Sudden Stops and Global Volatility

Globalisation in Historical Perspective


The Programme Committee

The scientific preparation of the Congress is placed under the responsibility of the IEA President, Professor Guillermo Calvo, who is assisted by an international Programme Committee composed of:

Daron Acemoglou, Turkey, (MIT)
Yilmaz Akyuz, Turkey, (UNCTAD)
Sumru Altug, Turkey, (Koc University, Istanbul)
Masahiko Aoki, Japan, (Stanford University)
Kaushik Basu, India, (Cornell University)
Oya Celasun, Turkey, (IMF),
Fabrizio Coricelli, Italy, (EBRD)
Eduardo Engel, Chile, (Yale University)
Joan Esteban, Spain, (Instituto de Análisis Económico, Barcelona)
Ronald Findlay, USA, (Columbia University),
Jean-Paul Fitoussi, France, (OFCE & Sciences -Po Paris)
Heba Handoussa, Egypt, (ERF, Cairo)
Michael Hoel, Norway, (Oslo University)
Alejandro Izquierdo, Argentina, (IADB)
Semih Koray, Turkey, (Bilkent University, Ankara)
Janos Kornai, Hungary, (Collegium Budapest)
Alan Krueger, USA, (Princeton University)
Enrique Mendoza, Mexico, (University of Maryland)
Pablo Andres Neumeyer, Argentina, (Di Tella University, Buenos-Aires)
Luigi Paganetto, Italy, (University of Rome Tor Vergata)
Arvind Panagariya, India, (Columbia University)
Lucas Papademos, Greece, (European Central Bank)
Victor Polterovich, Russia, (CEMI, Moscow)
Dani Rodrik, Turkey & USA, (Harvard University)
Eytan Sheshinski, Israel, (University of Jerusalem & Princeton University)
Horst Siebert, Germany, (Kiel University)
Robert Solow, USA, (MIT)
Ercan Uygur, Turkey, (Ankara University)
Alessandro Vercelli, Italy, (Universita di Siena)
Jinglian Wu, China, (Development Research Center, Beijing)


The Congress days will be devoted to invited lectures on the main themes and to parallel sessions of contributed papers. Papers are suitable in any subject area of economics. Topics of broad interest to countries throughout the region are welcome.

Paper submission guidelines

Papers and abstract (written in English) should be sent only electronically to the following address: http://www.iadb.org/res/iea.cfm   by February 1, 2008. Notification of acceptance will be sent by March 15, 2008.

Please download the attached document for more information:
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